Career Advancement
How to Negotiate a Pay Rise
with Carrie Gallant
with Carrie Gallant
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Read the comments below for some of the insights that resonated with our participants.
Carrie Gallant is a dynamic speaker, leadership coach and negotiation strategist, formerly an executive, practicing lawyer and adjunct law professor.
Carrie Gallant is a dynamic speaker, leadership coach and negotiation strategist, formerly an executive, practicing lawyer and adjunct law professor.
Carrie weaves psychology, neuroscience and improvisation with strategy as she inspires and empowers her clients to think bigger, negotiate more powerfully and step up into greater influence and impact.
She is founder of The Gallant Leader™ Institute and the EARN Your Worth™ Leaders Lab, an accredited Negotiation Consultant with ENS International and certified in Conversational Intelligence® and Authentic Leadership for Teams®.
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Thank you Carrie and May, so many useful tips, not just for the conversation around pay rises, but in general for raising your profile in preparation for any career conversation. Keeping the ongoing dialogue happening with your manager rather just expecting them to “see” what an excellent job you are doing – reinforcing and evidencing what you are doing and rehearsing your conversations in the mirror!
I really enjoyed this session, thank you Carrie and May! Great tips about creating a bank vault and using “we” language when opening the doors on this conversation. Also great reminder that negotiating salary or a pay rise is more than one conversation. Thanks for sharing!
This was an excellent presentation with great examples of exploring one’s worth in any position. Thank you Carrie and May for providing a space to talk about the vulnerability and practice it takes to negotiate, and negotiate well.
I joke at my office that I am simply a Meerkat because I will only pop my head out to look around when absolutely necessary. As talked about in the presentation I have expected others to notice when I surface. I recognize this behavior to be detrimental to my success. Carrie you had said, “80% of your outcome is what you do in preparation for the conversation” and I realize it takes a great amount of practice to articulate wants and needs that are not being met.
I truly appreciate all the advice and I am looking forward to ongoing conversations to negotiate. Thank you again!
Yes, Courtney! So delighted for your awareness here. It’s easy to think we are being helpful by being “no bother” yet our not sharing what we want, and what we have to offer, actually makes it harder for others to help us! We get to help them, help us.
Keep it up! You’re worth it.
Thanks for this guidance. Our work performance speaks for itself; but if we do not provide some co-narration and scripting, we may find that our key audience members are not noticing/listening.
Great Jonathan! I like how you called it “co-narration” and scripting.
Thanks for the great tip. I had a supervisor who for almost two years didn’t really communicate with me regularly, except during staff meetings or in the event something needed to be discussed. So I got used to this communication style. However, once Covid hit – and we also got a new CEO and working remotely became a challenge. They were more hands-on and micro-managed and wanted to know everything I was working on all the time. How do you express your self-worth during these challenging times when you’re not in the office regularly? Thanks
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Thank you for the scripting ideas and how to prepare for the conversation, Carrie. You are so articulate and made what appears to be a difficult subject seem very doable with the methodological and digestible approach you shared! That was great guidance to see your leader as your partner and keep them apprised of your bank vault of value over the year which takes pressure off having the conversation since it should be a natural culmination of what you’ve been doing. Much appreciated, May and Carrie!